Monday, December 23, 2013

Storing passwords safely in database using PHP and MySQL

Passwords of the users registered with our site should be stored as plain text, because if someone gets access to the database he will be getting the passwords of all the users.  Many people use the same password for different websites and therefore those accounts will be compromised as well. Therefore we need use some type of encryption to store passwords in the database.

Simple encryption algorithms are reversible and therefore if we use simple encryption technique to encrypt the password, the original password can be generated from the encrypted one.

Cryptographic hashing functions such as MD5 are irreversible, which makes it difficult to get the original password from the encrypted one. To validate the use at login we need to again encrypt the user entered password with MD5 and compare it with the password stored in the database at the time of user registration. The following is the code to hash the password with MD5.

$password = 'mypassword';
$hash = md5($password);

It is impossible to retrieve the original password from the hashed passowd. If a user forgets his password, we need to simply generate a new one.

It is quite possible for someone to make a list of millions of hashed passwords (rainbow table) and compare the hashes to find the original passwords. Therefore the intruder can  find the original password if we use MD5. The same applies for other hashing functions like SHA-1. This hashes are also prone to brute forcing (trying out all combinations with an automated script). 

We can use a salt to encrypt the password. A salt is a string that is hashed together with the password and therefore one cannot get the original password by comparing the hashed password with the rainbow tables. The following is the code to hash the password using a salt.

$password = 'mypassword';
$salt = '12345';
$hash = md5($salt . $password);

To validate the use on login we have to hash the user entered password using the same salt and compare it with password stored in the database.

Some additional tips to secure user accounts passwords are:

Limit the number of failed login attempts.
Minimum length of the password should be at least 8 characters or more.

Allow or even make mandatory to use special characters in passwords.

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