Sending email though PHP is very easy using the PHP function
mail(). But we have to append the email headers for adding options like adding
CC (carbon copy) and BCC (Behind Carbon Copy). The following is the code to
send Email with different options.
to be send
$message = "Hi,
This is a sample mail send through PHP using additional headers .";
of the message
$subject = "Test
from email ID. This is required.
$headers = "From:
//If the
email has HTML content the following lines needs to be added to header. This is
$headers .= "MIME-Version:
$headers .= "Content-type:
text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
//If the
email has different reply to email other than the from email ID. This is optional.
$headers .= "Reply-To:
//To send
a CC of this email to another email ID. This is optional. If we want to send CC
to more than one email ID, we have to add multiple email ids separated by after
$headers .= "Cc:
$cc_mailid \r\n";
//To send
a BCC of this email to another email ID. This is optional. If we want to send BCC
to more than one email ID, we have to add multiple email ids separated by after
$headers .= "Bcc:
$bcc_mailid \r\n";
to the send the email with the above options.
If (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)
echo "Email send successfully.";
echo "There was an error
while send the email.";
Note: The above program will only work if your server is
properly configured for e-mail.
Therefore this program may not work in your local installation. Some web
servers may have the email server hosted on another machine.
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